What is Manas Dosha?

Ayurveda describes health as a balanced state of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social attributes. Even though great emphasis is placed on physical health, equal importance is given to the combined effects of mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Mind or ‘Manas’ as it is called in Ayurveda, is described as the organ that directs perception and action.

Just as Tri dosha are the representative of the Pancha Mahabhuta in the physical body, Tri guna are the representative of the Pancha Mahabhuta in the mind/manas.

Sattva, Rajas and Tamas are the Tri guna. 

Akasha is represented in Sattva

Vayu and Agni are represented in Rajas 

Prithvi and Jala are represented in Tamas

Tri guna are also called ‘Manas Dosha’, the three dosha of the mind.

These Tri guna are responsible for the functioning of the mind and also for being the cause of imbalances or illness related to it (psychological disorders).

Of the three, Rajas and Tamas guna are predominantly noted as “Manas dosha”, responsible for causing ‘Mano vyadhi’ (mental disorders).

From Sattva is born knowledge, from Rajas greed, from Tamas is confusion, delusion and ignorance.” (Bhagavad Gita XIV.17.)-

Sattva is a quality which is always enlightening and a cause for positive vibes. Sattva guna reflects knowledge. Rajas is the energy which brings about restlessness, agitation, anxiety and tension or fatigue.

Tamas brings about ignorance, delusion, inertia and darkness.

How we respond to events and circumstances depends on the specific balance of sattva, rajas and tamas in our mind.

Just as we nurture our physical bodies through diet and exercise, our minds are nurtured by the thoughts or information we receive, at the same time through the food we eat.Our minds are inherently sattvic by nature. However, negative emotions, energies or eating an unhealthy diet leads the mind to lose its purity /sattvic quality and become rajasic or tamasic.

These three gunas or mental energies can be balanced with Yoga asanas and pranayam and further deepened with meditation. – Right diet especially in terms of Sattva, Raja and Tama guna also helps the mind in maintaining the equilibrium of these mental energies.

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