What is Mala?

As much as the three dosha and the seven bodily tissues are important for maintenance of health,equal importance is given to the three metabolic wastes, together known as Mala. These are:

  • Purisha – faeces, the solid waste
  • Mutra – urine, the liquid waste
  • Sveda – sweat, the liquid waste

Mala means pollutants of other body components.

Once expelled from the body, those which lead to purification of the body are called mala.

Tridosha (three dosha), saptadhatu (seven bodily tissues) and trimala (three metabolic wastes) form the structural and functional components of the body. So, any form of imbalance in their functioning can lead to diseases. Any form of malfunctioning in the metabolic waste removal system can also cause manifestation of diseases or illnesses. Not only removal but also production of these bodily wastes is vital for a healthy body and mind.

Imagine when a person is constipated for long and/or is unable to pass urine properly due to concerns of the urinary bladder, he/she is uneasy both physically and mentally.

Importance of the Trimala

These mala maintain health by getting excreted from the body properly and well in time. With holding any of these natural urges will give rise to many ailments as  follows:

Faeces (purisha)  maintain tonicity and regulate temperature of the large intestine.

When out of balance or in case of impaired functioning can result in Vata related concerns like abdominal distension, constipation, fear, anxiety and nervousness.

Factors that affect the proper functioning of the faeces are:

  •   Indiscrete use of laxatives
  •   Anxiety, nervousness, worry and fear
  •   Improper eating habits
  •   Incompatible foods
  •   Excessive travel
  •   Oversleeping
  •   Stimulants
  •   Overuse of antibiotics
  •   Insufficient physical activity
  •   Prolonged diarrhoea

Urine (mutra) expels excessive water and other unwanted contents from the body.

When not eliminated properly it results in  Kapha related issues like dehydration, bladder related concerns like pain or infections, difficulty in passing urine or kidney stones, fever, thirst and dryness of the mouth. Factors that affect the proper functioning of the urine are:

  •   Improper fluid intake especially water
  •   Withholding urine and not following the natural urge
  •   Alcohol
  •   Injury
  •   Indulgence in excessive sexual activity
  •   Fear

Sweat (sveda) regulates the body temperature by expelling excess water and toxins, it cools the body down, keeps the skin and hair moist and purifies the blood.

When excess it can lead to Pitta related concerns like skin diseases like acne, boils, eczema, burning sensation, exhaustion and dehydration. When sweating is reduced, it can result in dryness of the skin, stiff hair, skin patches, dandruff and wrinkles.

Factors that affect the proper functioning of the sweat are:

  •   Improper intake of salt
  •   Consuming excessively dry food
  •   Excessive or less exercise
  •   Over sweating

Ayurveda talks about thirteen types of natural urges in the body which should not be suppressed, which are called Adharaniya vega. Human body is designed in a manner that the things which are meant to be expelled from the body should be done so. They are necessary to be expelled to maintain the health, purity and stability of the body. If withheld forcibly, they may cause damage to the body and the mind in the long run.

These Adharaniya vega or unsuppressable natural urges are:

  • Urge to eliminate feces
  • Urge to pass urine
  • Urge to pass out flatus
  • Urge to eliminate semen
  • Urge to vomit
  • Urge to sneeze
  • Urge for eructation/burp
  • Urge to yawn
  • Urge to eat (hunger)
  • Urge to drink water (thirst)
  • Urge to cry
  • Urge to sleep and
  • Urge for heavy or fast breathing caused by overexertion

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