

As a Vatā personality you may appear lean, thin or skinny and have difficulty in gaining weight or mass even after eating healthy or rich fatty food. You can appear very tall or short in height. Prominent joints/nodular in appearance (generally have prominent Adam’s apple), which make cracking or popping noise when bent.

Brittle, thin and rough nails and dry skin are your trademark. Not only this, hair too tend to be dry and brittle which lack shine or lustre. Moisturizing or oiling is a constant need of a Vatā person.


Your appetite is variable and you prefer grazing or eating small portioned meals and need to snack frequently. Concerns like bloating, gas formation or flatulence are quite common for you. You tend to have irregular bowels with dark brown/darkish colour and hard stools  and have a tendency for constipation.  All your activities are fast and unsteady/erratic,be it walk, talk, work style or even thought process. You are light and superficial sleeper with a need for very less sleep, and at times can suffer from insomnia as well.

Behavioral or Psychological

Vatā prakriti individuals have a quick/hyperactive, enthusiastic, moody and fickle mind.

Mostly loving, joyful and happy when in balance, you are prone to nervousness, anxiety, fear, over-excitement etc. when imbalanced. You usually grasp new ideas or information quickly. However, you are also quick to forget.You have short-lived focus and concentration.

You love change for you get bored easily and that’s why your work style is chaotic.

You suffer from fear of loneliness, darkness, heights and closed spaces/claustrophobia.

Disease susceptibility

As a Vata prakriti, you are prone to anxiety, nervousness, mental confusion, restlessness and mood swings. You suffer from lack of or disturbed sleep, no sleep/insomnia.

Ringing sound in the ears/tinnitus and stuttering/stammering can also bother you at times.

Continuous nervous twitching and tics of a muscle or part of it like eyelids/lips, jerking of the hand etc. are also common. You are also prone to bone, joint and muscular region concerns like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, neck pain, low backache.

Digestive concerns like gas, bloating, distension, flatulence and colic pain and constipation are a very common concern. 

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