

As a Pittā person you have medium to moderate body frame with slightly fleshy built and well developed muscles. Your weight gain is steady, stable and even. Your joints are medium sized and flexible. You have a delicate, soft, oily and highly sensitive skin, which is prone to  freckles, moles, acne or redness. You tend to develop premature wrinkles. Profuse perspiration with strong body odour is a nuisance for you. Nails are moderately thick, soft/rubbery and reddish pink. Your hair is soft, fine, straight or wavy, with an oily scalp with a tendency to premature greying and baldness.


You have a voracious appetite and eat large quantities. Infact not fed on time you become irritable and angry. Blessed with a strong digestive fire, you can eat and digest almost anything edible under the roof. High and persistent thirst, with generally a parched throat.

You have regular bowel movements which are soft and looses in consistency. High frequency of urine, which is yellowish in color. You have firm and steady walking and talking style. As a Pitta prakriti person you are a moderate sleeper in terms of duration. However, fortunate enough to have sound and uninterrupted sleep.

Behavioural or Psychological

Sharp intellect, fiery temperament and goal oriented is what defines you. Being a Pitta you are blessed with moderately good concentration, analytical and intuitive capacity. A keen observer with sharp memory but with limited retention, you grasp things or topics fast but with medium depth.

You are a born perfectionist who prefers every aspect of your life to be disciplined, meticulous, orderly and clean including the work style. Changing your mind is not easy and you stick to your decisions. Its easy for you to become agitated or angry, however you also cool down fast. Pitta people exhibit fearlessness and confidence. You are, ambitious, go-getter and a high achiever with natural leadership qualities.

Disease susceptibility

As a Pitta individual you are prone to ailments related to fire principle or heat in locations of stomach, and small intestine like indigestion, hyperacidity, diarrhoea. You have a susceptibility to fevers, jaundice and any kind of burning sensations like burning eyes or burning in urine due to UTI. You have hypersensitive skin so easily get affected by rashes, hives, acne and redness. You are prone to hot flushes as well. You get sunburns quite easily and do not like bright light. Emotionally, you can have extreme possessiveness, jealousy, envy, frustration and occasionally manic aggressive episodes as well.

Take this quiz to discover your unique mind-body type (also known as your dosha type)—
and start on your personalised path to wellness.